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If there is one free VST synth that you want to get yourself familiar with, it is the Synth1 by Ichiro Toda. This synthesizer is actually a favorite among many music producers, and is often the one that’s most recommended. Synth1 is an analog modeled subtractive synthesizer. It’s functions are modeled on the Clavia Nord Lead 2 Red Synth. MIDI Data: Some synthesizers transmit MIDI data while some do not. If you want the best of both worlds, you do have the option of buying a synthesizer that utilizes a MIDI or USB out. MIDI keyboards transmit MIDI data via USB (especially in newer models) or five-pin MIDI. Controls: Synthesizers come with a variety of controls to manipulate. The instrument includes 50 free presets and is a complex wavetable synth capable of producing many and varied sounds compared to your bog standard virtual analogue (of which it is one). You might have to work with it to get the best from it but the potential is certainly there including a fantastic Delay Matrix.
Let’s answer: Should you buy a MIDI Keyboard or Synth?
If you want a piece of equipment to generate MIDI data so that you can play different sound modules that are built-in to your DAW, we recommend getting a MIDI Keyboard. On the other hand, if you have the money and want to learn a little bit about synthesis, or you are searching for an ultra-specific sound, get yourself an analog synth. Plus, synths don’t require any external devices to create music so that you can get started right away!
11 Tips How To Choose MIDI Keyboard 2020
Should I Buy MIDI Controller Or MIDI Keyboard? (What’s The Difference?)
ContentsThe most basic explanation as to the difference between synthesizers and MIDI keyboards is that synthesizers have built-in sounds while MIDI keyboards do not have built-in sounds.
MIDI keyboards are pieces of hardware that are often used by producers to compose music within a DAW. They look very similar to standard digital keyboards. Some MIDI keyboards come with additional controls, including buttons, knobs, pads, and sliders. These features can be assigned to various parameters within your DAW.
Instead of producing sound, they generate and transmit MIDI data, which can be used to trigger other instruments such as synths, software synths, and more. The MIDI data that they generate includes pitch, note duration, velocity, and more.
Most modern MIDI keyboards are bus-powered, meaning you can plug them straight into your computer without the need for a separate wall outlet. USB cables are what MIDI keyboards use to transmit MIDI data as well. USB is an upgrade from the five-pin MIDI cable, which what many MIDI keyboards used back in the day.
Analog synthesizers, on the other hand, can produce their own sound. They do not need to rely on additional software or external interfaces. Synthesizers come in all shapes and sizes like MIDI keyboards, some as small as a laptop and some as large as a full-size piano.
Although analog synths can create sound without any external devices, they are limited in the sounds that they can create, as they cannot go beyond what they were programmed to do.
While the knobs, pads, buttons, and sliders on MIDI keyboards control external parameters, the knobs, pads, buttons, and sliders on analog synthesizers are used to control various internal parameters, including envelope controls (attack, release, decay, and sustain), LFO, oscillators, pitch, and more.
Many analog synthesizers come with effects built-in, including filters, reverb, delay, chorus, and more.
It is worth noting that analog synths are much more expensive than MIDI controllers as well.
All devices that are capable of creating and transmitting MIDI data can be used as MIDI controllers. If the analog synthesizer that you are looking at has a USB ‘MIDI Out’ port, you can easily connect it to your computer to send MIDI data.
Of course, if you are looking at buying a traditional analog synth, it may only have a five-pin cable. In that case, you will need to get a MIDI to USB converter.
There are a few things that you need to take into consideration:
If your answer to any of these was “yes,” then you have answered your question!
Of course, it is also important to note that virtual synths and instruments have come a long way. Some of our favorite software synth manufacturers include Arturia, Omnisphere, and Native Instruments.
Downloading even one bundle from these companies gives you near endless possibilities, all of which lie far out of reach from your typical analog synthesizer.
With that said, some people simply can’t deal with using software instruments, and that’s okay. If having an analog synth makes you happy, go for it! Just know that you will have to spend a pretty penny to get your hands on one, which brings us to our next point.
Analog synths can be pretty costly since they contain long chains of expensive or rare analog components. Digital algorithms simply replicate these components, which sits at a fraction of the cost of physically making them.
Once companies begin adding on other components, such as filters, envelops, distortion, ambiance, modulation, and more, the cost skyrockets.
Beyond that, there is quite a bit of love and attention to detail that goes into manufacturing synthesizers. If you want a top-quality synth from a top-quality company, such as Korg, Yamaha, Roland, or Moog, you will need to spend some money.
For starters, the unique thing about analog synthesizers is that due to the electronic design, they arebuilt with flaws, including distortion, tuning drift, noise, and other subtle variations in frequency, amplitude, and waveshape generation.
Now you might be asking yourself,
Why would someone want an instrument with flaws?
The thing is, these subtle flaws and variations create natural harmonic complexity that only exists in the acoustical world, meaning they are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce in the digital world. This is why so many people feel that the sound of analog synthesizers is so pleasing to the ear.
Secondly, there is something quite physically attractive about a synth. Synthesizers present parameters and functions on physical interfaces, which make abstract synthesis concepts far more accessible. Having a solid piece of gear allows for more expression in real-time.
If you are on a budget and looking for versatility, reliability, and ease of use, we recommend getting a MIDI Keyboard. However, if you have the money to spend and you want an ultra-specific sound, a tactile instrument, or those beautiful flaws that we talked about earlier, get yourself an analog synth. 99 slot machine.
We hope that you now have a better understanding of the differences between MIDI Keyboards and synthesizers. Synths are pretty unique in that they create sound from nothing while MIDI keyboards act as controllers to produce sound from another device.
With that said, you could opt for a newer synthesizer that has the capabilities of a MIDI controller too! The choice is yours!